
upcoming events

Course Microscopy data analysis: machine learning and the BioImage Archive

Microscopy data analysis: machine learning and the BioImage Archive





22-26 May 2023


This virtual course will show how public bioimaging data resources, centred around the BioImage Archive, enable and enhance machine learning based image analysis. The content will explore a variety of data types including electron and light microscopy and miscellaneous or multi-modal imaging data at the cell and tissue scale. Participants will cover contemporary biological image analysis with an emphasis on machine learning methods, as well as how to access and use images from databases. Further instruction will be offered using applications such as ZeroCostDL4Mic, ilastik, ImJoy, the BioImage Model Zoo, and CellProfiler.

Contact information

Program, registration and more can be found here.

upcoming events

Conference: 5th NEUBIAS Conference 2023

5th NEUBIAS Conference 2023

Defragmentation Training School & Open Symposium




8-12 May, 2023

Porto, Portugal

The Defragmentation Training School 2 is addressed to the new generation of bioimage analysts and will take place from the 8th to the 12th of May 2023. The training school is supported by EOSC-Life, Euro-BioImaging, AI4Life and i3S.

The Open Symposium will start on Thursday the 11th of May and will focus on recent scientific developments and open tools in bioimage analysis. There will be a special session for AI4Life, covering Deep Learning-related topics.

More information about the Defragmentation Training School can be found here and the Open Symposium here.

upcoming events

Workshop: Euro-BioImaging’s Guide to FAIR bioimage data

Euro-BioImaging’s Guide to FAIR bioimage data







March 28, 2023, 2pm – 5pm CEST (see in your local time)


Wondering how to make the most out of your bioimaging data?

Join us for a free, online workshop that will introduce the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles, focusing on their implementation for bioimaging data.

Speakers will include representatives from Euro-BioImaging, BioImage Archive, the AI4Life project, and more … Our special guest, Katrín Möller, a post-doctoral researcher at Biomedical Center of the University of Iceland, will share her personal story of depositing her microglia dataset on the BioImage Archive.

Contact information


Find more information in Euro-BioImaging’s LinkedIn event.