
Microscopy data analysis: machine learning and the BioImage Archive (2025) – Course


Microscopy data analysis: machine learning and the BioImage ArchiveThis virtual course will show how public bioimaging data resources, centred around the BioImage Archive, enable and enhance machine learning based image analysis. The content will explore a variety of data types including electron and light microscopy and miscellaneous or multi-modal imaging data at the cell and […]


Euro-BioImaging Image Data Community Days


The Euro-BioImaging Image Data days will feature talks on different image data management and analysis topics.   Find all the details at

AI4Life Community Event

Join us for the AI4Life Community Event, a milestone celebration bringing together contributors, users, partners, and community members to reflect on the project's achievements and explore future collaborations. Register now Tentative Agenda Tuesday, May 27th - Katajanokan Kasino, Kenraalisali (On-site) Workshop 1: AI4Life for life scientist 09:15Registration 09:30Session 1: Introduction to the BioImage Model Zoo: […]