
NEUBIAS Pasteur course on Bioimage Analysis

Institut Pasteur Paris, France

This course has two parallel tracks:Early career investigators track: Learn to master the tools and techniques of bioimage analysis for your own research. From power usage to building analysis pipelines.Analysts track: Learn to use and deploy advanced tools; learn to master high-performance computing for advanced bioimage analysis.Both tracks of the course have a specific focus on hands-on and […]


Hackathon: Web and Cloud Infrastructure for AI-Powered BioImage Analysis

Science for Life Laboratory Stockholm, Sweden

This event brings together the computational and life science communities. We are currently building web and cloud infrastructure aimed at addressing the challenges of building and deploying AI tools for bioimage analysis and making them more scalable and easily accessible from the BioImage Model Zoo. 


Deep learning for image analysis

EMBL Heidelberg

The advent of deep learning has brought a revolution in the field of computer vision, including most tasks and research questions concerned with microscopy image analysis. Neural networks have been successfully used for image restoration, classification and segmentation, for the detection of objects and characterisation of their morphology, for high-throughput imaging and large-scale processing in […]

Frontiers in Neurophotonics

CERVO Brain Research Centre Quebec, Canada

Frontiers in Neurophotonics is an opportunity to meet fellow researchers and students from around the world, discuss and discover the latest advances in live cell optical imaging techniques put in perspective by experimental challenges in the field of neuroscience. The school will combine tutorials given by experts in photonics and neuroscience and hands-on experiments involving […]


DL@MBL: Deep Learning for Microscopy Image Analysis


The goal of this course is to familiarize researchers in the life sciences with state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for microscopy image analysis and to introduce them to tools and frameworks that facilitate independent application of the learned material after the course.


Advanced methods in bioimage analysis

EMBL Heidelberg

Bioimage analysis has become a keystone of biological research: the deluge of data produced by increasingly advanced microscopes calls for experts able to guide life scientists in the methods and software to be used to produce quantitative knowledge from this data. Due to the complexity of the data, without such expert guidance, it is very […]

AI4Life General Assembly

EMBL Heidelberg

The AI4Life Annual Meeting and General Assembly will gather all AI4Life project partners at EMBL in Heidelberg on October 9th-10th, 2023. All AI4Life partner institutions as well as all the project work packages will have the chance to present their work, and together we will evaluate our achievements of the first project year. There will […]


AI4Life Hackathon & Solvathon

EMBL Heidelberg

Following the 2nd AI4Life General Assembly in Heidelberg, there will be two events running in parallel: Hackathon, aimed at addressing the challenges of building and deploying AI tools for bioimage analysis and making them more scalable and FAIR. The event will feature discussions on our current status and plans, as well as the opportunity to […]


HT Deep Learning for Microscopy Image Analysis 2023

Milan, Italy

The goal of the course is to familiarise researchers working in life sciences with state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for microscopy image analysis, with a focus on image restoration and image segmentation. The aim is to introduce tools and frameworks that will facilitate independent application of the learned material after the course.The course will be organised […]


AI basics for Image Processing – Workshop


The ANERIS project aims to address the urgent issue of declining ocean biodiversity. This is pursued through the creation of groundbreaking tools and technology for the monitoring, research, and effective management of marine ecosystems. Euro-BioImaging and its nodes France BioImaging and Israel BioImaging are supporting the project objectives through the development of next-generation of AI tools and methods for marine life imaging.